Analyzed currency pair
Signal generation algorithm
Historical winning percent
Shows the statistical winning percentage calculated for the values of the technical indicator on a different timeframe
Recommended expiration time
Since the appearance of the signal (for adaptive algorithms the time since the last update)
Current price when signal was appeared (for adaptive algorithms - open price of current candle)
Create an account and get access to free signals
Open a demo account on a broker’s platform
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number of registered users
of our clients
years of successful experience
During this time, we improved the quality and accuracy of signals in accordance with market changes. We have written many instructional videos and materials.
During this time, we improved the quality and accuracy of signals in accordance with market changes. We have written many instructional videos and materials.
Signals work on any broker platform
Signals can be received on any device
A team of professional practitioners works on signal accuracy
A simple and intuitive interface that is easy to master even for an absolute beginner
There is a free version that you can test
Pricing table |
39 Test
89 basic
$29.66 / 1 month |
169 premium
$14.08 / 1 month |
199 Ultimate
$5.52 / 1 month |
License validity |
Lifelong |
30 Days |
3 Months |
1 Year |
3 Years |
Number of signals |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Number of telegram alerts |
10 |
1000 |
10000 |
100000 |
100000 |
Heatmaps |
Signal power |
Any Broker |
Signal preset |
Dashboard tools |
Auto trade |
Registration | Buy | Buy | Buy | Buy |